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Let's Talk About Seasons: Springing Back to Life

When in conversations people ask me what my favourite season is (who asks this kind of questions?!), I always say it's fall. I would say summer but I feel like it's a given, yah know. While I think of autumn as beautiful and serene, and summer fun and bright, I think of spring as just a season with lots of rain. I become very impatient pa when it's spring and would say, "Can we just get to summer na?! I need more sunlight!" or "I'm tired of wearing jeans or having to layer! I wanna start wearing dresses already, because I'm born to wear them!" (What a drama queen, noh? ;P) Never in my life would I have thought of spring as special until this year.  Let me go back a few pages and describe how my winter was like... actually, how the latter part of 2016 was like for me. Not everybody knows that last year I had to deal with a breakup, which I've successfully moved on from already (happy to report), but there was a LOT of reflection -- meani
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Thank You for New Windows

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To Thea, Happy Birthday!

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Lessons I Learned From My Mom

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While I Wait for Warmer Weather...

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